Share your feedback on priority topics for the new Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Living Guidelines
The Australian Living Evidence Consortium (ALEC), the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) were recently awarded an Australian Government tender to develop new Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal care (LEAPP) Guidelines.
This year, the LEAPP team started producing national guidelines for midwives, GPs, obstetricians and other healthcare professionals to guide care during and after pregnancy.
A few months ago we asked people with lived experience and clinicians to complete a survey to assist us in identifying priorities for the new living pregnancy care guidelines. Our previous survey focussed on pregnancy care but also presented the postnatal care guideline scope. We now have a larger/more detailed set of postnatal care topics that have been suggested as being high priority. We are asking people with lived experience and separately, health professionals, to identify which of those topics we should first address.
We would love to hear from as many people as possible on what our first postnatal care priorities should be.
You can share your thoughts as a person with lived experience or as a health professional (Australian health care professional providing pregnancy or postnatal care).
LIVED EXPERIENCE SURVEY: Postnatal Care Prioritisation Survey
This survey asks respondents to think about care from immediately post delivery to 8 weeks post birth (*not during labour/delivery), including care for parents who have experienced the loss of their baby.
We’d love to hear from people who:
- are or have been pregnant in the last five years
- are planning to be pregnant
- have experienced the loss of their baby
- are a partner of someone who is or has been pregnant in the past five years
- are a maternity consumer representative.
The lived experience survey (here) is now open and will close at 5pm on Friday the 1st of December.
HEALTHCARE PROVIDER SURVEY: Postnatal Care Prioritisation Survey
Asks Australian healthcare practitioners and others who provide pregnancy and postnatal care to think about care from immediately post delivery to 8 weeks post birth (*not during labour/delivery). Key focus areas include:
- topics that pose the most clinical uncertainty
- topics that are likely to have the most impact on patient outcomes
- topics where evidence is emerging or the context is changing, requiring new or different guidance.
The Healthcare Provider Survey (here) is now open and closes at 5pm on Friday 1st December.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr Tanya Millard at