Our Board

Our Constitution says we must operate with a Board formed from the MHM membership, to guide what we do. This Board has 7 members:

  • president
  • two office bearers
  • four board members
  • one public officier.

Our Current Board members

Ellen O'Keeffe
Ellen O'KeeffePresident
Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing Science), Graduate Certificate PSM, FACHSE, Midwifery Certificate.
Vanessa Bakker
Vanessa BakkerVice President
Bachelor of Allied Science (Nursing), Graduate Diploma of Midwifery and Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health.
Mary Kirk
Mary KirkTreasurer & Public Officer
AM, Master of Arts (Women’s Studies), Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing Science), Midwifery Certificate, Paediatric Nursing Certificate.
Bianca Williams
Bianca WilliamsBoard Member
PhD (ANU), BA (Hons)
Joan Garvan
Joan GarvanSecretary
Chami Jayasuriya
Chami JayasuriyaBoard Member
PhD, Cognitive Psychology (Aberdeen) Master of Health Science, Health Administration, Hon BSc, Psychology and Neuroscience.
Vanessa Owen
Vanessa OwenBoard member
RN, RM, M Mid; M HSM; GAICD, Wharton’s Fellow, Dist Fellow ACM