Maternal Health Matters is an incorporated organisation and registered charity with the goal: to ensure all women receive respectful maternity care. That is respect for women’s autonomy, dignity, feelings, choices, and preferences.  It is care that delivers better maternal health outcomes and a better maternity care experience.

Maternal Health matters works with communities and governments to improve maternal health outcomes for all women in Australia.

Maternal Health Matters promotes:

  • respectful maternity care for all women;
  • the social and economic value of optimal maternal health;
  • working collaboratively to improve the health and well-being of women and their children;
  • maternal health policy and services informed by the social determinants of health and founded on the principles and practices of primary health care; and
  • service delivery that is equitable, culturally safe, based on reliable evidence, timely and focused on the needs of the woman.


Maternal Health Matters now and into the future as healthy girls make healthy women make health babies make healthy nations.



Contact Maternal Health Matters

Mail: GPO Box 165, Canberra ACT 2601

Email: info@maternalhealthmatters.org.au